Artists from France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Serbia and Russia are setting up their scientific and artistic hypotheses to verify them with the help of scientists at the exhibition HYPOTHESES VERIFICATION. Here installations, objects, videos and photographes serve as a basis for discourse.
In their works artists touch upon vital subjects of biophysics, stem cells modelling, cybernetics, theory of cords, political programming and ecomorphism. These new configurations of contexts produce artistic impulses in different spheres: in the sphere of art just as in the sphere of science.
H1: in the mode of fusion to ethical, religious and political ORLAN’s video The Harlequin’s Coat, that is made up from different species and ethnic origins (including those from the artist’s own body), gets into the sphere of emotions and psychology, proclaims multiculturalism and the acceptance of Another.
H2: in the mode of confrontation Richard Conte turns to the investigation in agronomy and biophysics. He grows aubergines and then with the means of light pigmentation makes tattoos of weapons upon them.
H3: in the mode of abstraction Societe Realiste through their poetical message develop the theory of ecomorphism. They tell about ecological compatibility and urbanism in the contemporary architecture, about the outdated necessity of building and developing the big cities.
H4: in the mode of quantum programming an interactive installation CROSSWORLDS by Olga Kisseleva and physicist Sylvain Reynal uncovers nonverbal propaganda with the help of ciphers and allows to convert hidden political promises into the verbal form.
The installation of sisters Petchatnikov is an unpredictable “scientific experiment” that went out of control: “raised” creatures are moving freely at LABORATORIA and communicating with guests.
The main idea of these hypotheses is to unite scientific problems with artistic stories. The exhibition showed which hypotheses would be proven and which would be denied or would still remain open for the further investigation.
Geneticists, political scientists, botanics, architects, cyberneticist, physicists, art critics and the authors of these artworks took part in the discussion together.