Our exhibitions interpret the current challenges of our time
Evolution haute couture
Exhibition 22 September — 8 November 2009: a collection of documentary films about artworks recently created using the achievements of artificial life, robotics, bio and genetic engineering.
Jelly and lightnings
Выставка 3 июля — 15 сентября 2009: Artists of Where Dogs Run art-group from Ekaterinburg together with scientists immerse into electro-physical experiments, test risky hypotheses, model the interaction of various types of substance.
Cloud harp
Exhibition 3 July — 20 October 2009: Cloud harp installation is the result of a research in electronics, acoustics, and programming.
EXHIBITION 18 April — 21 June 2009: The digital video installation combines seven videos that explore the issues of perception as the correlation point of both physiological and cultural processes.
Apparatus has to be beautiful...
EXHIBITION 28 February – 12 April 2009: The art & science experiment in the laboratory of kinetics, adsorption and catalysis.
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